Social Media

Jen has been in social media before the term even existed. Back then, the equivalent terms would have been online grassroots marketing and online street teams.

In this day and age you have to be on social media (if you want to be taken seriously, anyways). Just quick creating an account and throwing together a profile isn’t enough. Regular (and relevant) content needs to be posted. Interactions need to happen with both your current and prospective customers, and on a regular basis. Strategy needs to be implemented to maximize your visibility and draw in results.

With Jen and the Jeneration approach, all of the above and more will happen, with a completely personal approach, keen attention to detail and a thoroughly thought out approach.

When you join the Jeneration you will receive custom content created for your profiles (both text and memes) and scheduling of your content to be strategically posted in one-month batchs. Additional short-notice posts can also be made because Jen knows sometimes you can’t plan everything out and timeliness is important. Regular interactions across your profiles will take place. Account and profile creation is also available.

Hourly and monthly rates are available to meet your budget needs.

Contact Jen to see how the Jeneration can meet your social media needs!