
Tips for Recruiting PCAs

Posted by on Jan 20, 2019 in Blog, Lifestyle | 0 comments

I often get asked for tips and advice for recruiting PCAs (Personal Care Attendants). I admit, I was once excellent at recruiting them and it wasn’t unusual for me to have a difficult time deciding on who to hire. Ah, those were the glory days. Unfortunately, due to a rapid decline in the state of the home care industry and the lack of liveable, adequate and well-deserved wages, the glory days are gone. Recruiting has been a never ending cycle and I have had an average of 50% of my positions unfilled for well over three years. This isn’t despite my best efforts. PCA jobs just aren’t as attractive these days, because people need to be able to provide for themselves and...

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Learning To Say No & To Let Go

Posted by on Jul 12, 2016 in Blog, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Elements for Taking Care of Yourself Learning To Say No & To Let Go   These two concepts are the most important for taking care of yourself, but also the most difficult to actually put into practice. They are definitely not something you will learn and master overnight, but once you do and truly grasp that it is OK to say no and to let go of something, you will feel free. Trust me, I’ve been there. Saying no to people can be really hard for some people. It’s especially hard for us people pleasers and over-achievers. Yes, I admit that I was once one of those people. Well, still kind of am. I am just a lot better about it. People like this have a hard time saying...

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You Time

Posted by on Jun 15, 2016 in Blog, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Elements for Taking Care of Yourself You Time   “You” time, does anyone even know what that is these days? Our lives have become so busy and chaotic that it seems few people have the luxury to know what that is anymore. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. So what is this foreign concept? It’s time dedicated to you, for you. It’s time when everything else in life takes the backseat, even just for a little while. Work can wait. Errands and chores can wait. Studying can wait. Your kids can pester someone else. It’s just you (and maybe some friends) for awhile. You time is completely dedicated to you as a way for you to relax, unwind, clear your mind and emerge...

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The Importance of Putting Yourself First

Posted by on Jun 8, 2016 in Blog, Lifestyle | 1 comment

Hello everyone! After a little break following the Essentials for Everyday Life series, I’m back at it with a mini-series about taking care of yourself. With all of the great opportunities that summer brings, it’s an excellent time to take care of yourself and even re-invent yourself. You’re no good to anyone else if you’re not good to yourself! Enjoy! Jen   Elements for Taking Care of Yourself The Importance of Putting Yourself First   The world has become such a fast-paced place that we oftentimes find ourselves so busy and so wrapped up in school, work, activities, family and friends that life passes us by and in doing so, we exhaust ourselves and burn...

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Smile Vlog

Posted by on May 11, 2016 in Blog, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Continuing my discussion about smiling and why we should! Didn’t see the blog? Read it here!

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Posted by on May 2, 2016 in Blog, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Essentials for Everyday Life Smile Sources say it can take as little as 13 muscles to form a smile. It’s an easy and natural thing to do, so natural that we oftentimes do so involuntarily and sometimes no matter how hard we try not to, we just can’t keep ourselves from smiling. That’s how powerful those few muscles are and how powerful a smile is. Smiling isn’t just physically powerful. It’s actually even more emotionally powerful. We all have bad days. We all feel sad or stressed out at times. One thing that can make you feel better and get you through it is smiling. I’m not saying you should hide your pain or whatever is bothering you with a smile. Instead a smile...

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