It’s not uncommon for the media – print, online and broadcast – to refer to someone who uses a wheelchair as “wheelchair-bound” or “confined to a wheelchair.” I hate to burst their pity or sympathy-evoking bubbles, but I’m not “bound” or “confined” to my wheelchair. No one is. Webster’s Dictionary offers the following definition of the word, “bound”: “something that limits or restrains.” I think many people who use wheelchairs would not say they are limited or restrained by their wheelchair. If anything it’s the opposite. Their wheelchair makes it possible for them to move around and do things, and without their wheelchair they would actually be limited or...
Read MoreThank you to Adrienne Kleinmann of for recently featuring me in a Career Profile! You can see it here. is a project of the Great Lakes ADA Center. Great Lakes ADA Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge with the ultimate goal of achieving voluntary compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Great Lakes ADA Center is a member of the ADA National Network which is comprised of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of...
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